Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Waldorf Education

The last few months have seen me agonizing over the issue of Smooch's fall school plans.

French immersion?



Charming Buddhist "Instilling Goodness" school adjacent to the monestary (we are not buddhists...but there is something so nice about

Half-day, full-day, 4-day, everyday....

The options were endless...but the choice seemed impossible...until...

I was reminded of an amazing preschool I attempted to register Smooch in but never quite made it.

We spent countless hours digging in their GIGANTIC sandbox...exploring their vegetable garden and flying a kite on their field...

It was our local Waldorf school.

As soon as I thought about Smooch attending this school I KNEW. Immediately I emailed the school...only to find out they'd just filled the last spot. I asked to be placed on the waiting list, took in the application and then arrived home to work some Manifestative Magic....

I wrote on a piece of paper "Smooch is a Waldorf Student".

I put the paper up in a prominent place in our home, where I saw it several times a day.

I gently harrassed the kind woman in charge of admitting and within two weeks we had an interview with Ms. Vivian...the lovely, soft-spoken teacher of the Senior kindergarten Class!

After the interview, she offered Smooch a spot in her class!!

I have been at peace about it ever since.

More on this fabulous pedagogy to come....

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yeah for your little one!! I love hearing stories of us working with the universe to create what we want, so inspiring. (oh and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a note. Doesn't happen too often, but don't we love it when it does? It was nice to "meet" you)